I guess witnesses are not excused from the aging process and death, as they think, heh? Nothing physical lasts forever. Look around.
I remember when the generation teaching was changed in 1995. I knew I was screwed.
i got old!.
feeling old today for some reason and thought i'd rant.. wasn't supposed to happen to me!
but then again, that's what my father, grand father and great grandfather thought!.
I guess witnesses are not excused from the aging process and death, as they think, heh? Nothing physical lasts forever. Look around.
I remember when the generation teaching was changed in 1995. I knew I was screwed.
i am noticing a difference..... "raised in's" seem to be a little more relaxed and better suited for their world after the kh.
"converts" seem to be a little disoriented.
maybe b/c they saw the truth as away out of this crazy world only to be massive dissapointed.
I agree with LG, if a born-in leaves as a teenager, they seem to assimilate better into the normal world. The longer they are in, the harder it is to start over and buck the system. By the way, I never look to see the ratings of movies before I see them. I just go by interest.
I am a convert and I think having a "normal" life before becoming a witness is a nice bridge to cross back over on. I was attracted to the idea of an earthly paradise and wondering how to raise my child when I joined the madness. Instant friends you could trust, instant friends wherever you went, never going to die, what's not to like?
I also had a grounding in another religion before I joined and that actually helped me to leave. As I realized that the promises the witnesses made were false, it was easy to pick out the twisting of the scriptures they engaged in.
The hardest part, as anyone can see on here, is the turmoil within families that leaving causes. This can happen to born-ins and converts. The saddest ones are those that leave, yet still believe it all. They are in a state of constant turmoil.
my dad,an elder for 25plus years,concentration camp survivor,the works,died in a few weeks ago.i am df'd but have been the only one who helps him and my mum.my jw sister couldnt give a rats ass about them.i was at my mom and dads house after he died,helping my mom with everyting,hell,id been there for 2 months because i was afraid to leave them alone.i knew my dad wasnt feeling well.guess he was worse than i realized.he died.the witnesses came in droves.small kitchen.im sitting at the table.they not only didnt speak to me,but they didnt even acknowledge that i was in the room,about day 3,i stopped answering the door..one "lady" called.sister carol.when i answered the phone she hesitated and said",now you know,i caint tawk to yew"{strong southern accent.ala elie may clampett}"you orta let cher mawma ainser the phone.
"i told her to bite me and hung up on her...same here,when we got back home.i hate these people with the fury of a thousand suns,but for some reason,i am now in possession of some great elders notes.been laying low,but im going to start posting the juicy stuff.just cause itd be nice for calvin to know that he was seen "dancing recklessly" at a wedding and that sister renee was being councied for her weight and still insisted on gaining more.also that sister e wasnt giving her husband his "due"..{yik}and that certain concetration camp survivors were being coerced into saying that they were jw's at the time of incarceration.but one wouldnt.my dad refused to play their game,and as a result he was asked to step down as an elder at age of 80.that and that he refused to shun me.his notes have been very enlightening..nice folks thise jw's,no?
they were so mean to my dad, he really believed this crap,and tried to do the right thing.but because he wouldnt dance their way,and turn me,his favorite person{and he was mine|into the cold they treated him badly and mocked him and even his accent.i hate them.really.any ideas?the local elder here,just asked my mom about her financial situation...grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
So sorry for the loss of your father. I know, when my father died, how difficult it was with other family members. It tends to bring out strong emotions in people. My father was never a witness, though, and I did not have to deal with the disrespect they showed you.
Do watch out for your mom and her financial interests. That's what your father would have wanted and I know you will. It must have been a comfort for your dad knowing you would be there for your mom after he was gone. I know my dad worried more about my mother's welfare before he died than anything else.
Give your mom my condolences.
nov 15, 1952 watchtower pp.703-704 questions from readers .
questions from readers.
in the case of where a father or mother or son or daughter is disfellowshiped, how should such person be treated by members of the family in their family relationship?p.c., ontario, canada.. we are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from god and his theocratic organization, as was possible and was ordered in the nation of israel in the wilderness of sinai and in the land of palestine.
Are Questions From Readers not left off of the CD-ROM? They seem to like to introduce their crazier teachings in these supposed questions. It might be a good idea to steer a new study to these so they can see the blatant crazy before taking any plunges.
Oh yeah, I feel the love. kinda cold and scratchy, isn't it?
i remember a talk that was delivered at an assembly a while back that was repeated many times in my old hall and i remember it had a line in it that had one of those effects on people like they would go into a silent trance.
if you were allowed to "oooh!
" or "awe!
I remember that twisted idea. You reasoned on it really well. How does doing something unpleasant repeatedly make it become pleasant? I am shy and I always disliked the lack of empathy they showed to shy ones.
I could actually take service better than the school. I absolutely cringed when I was assigned a talk. It was such a relief when I quit the school. I remember being in a state of constant anxiety during the meetings trying to get up the nerve to answer. I finally got to the point where I had anxiety attacks when I tried to even read aloud in front of others. I couldn't breathe, froze up.
Just thinking about it makes me anxious. I feel really sorry for the young kids who are made to endure all of that. The society seems to think that being shy is a moral flaw that needs to be overcome.
downtown brooklyn its definite.
rumors can be laid to rest.
the watchtower bible & tract society is moving its headquarters out of brooklyn heights and up to warwick, n.y.. we have submitted a proposal to the town of warwick to build a complex there that were calling the world headquarters of jehovahs witnesses, richard devine told the eagle tuesday.
I always wondered why they did so much building and acquiring of property if the end was so close. Of course, they said their buildings would survive the big A. Sounds like it is business as usual.
All that free labor pays off in the long run.
a wedding is in the works for my dad!
he's been very lonely since my mother's death.
the bride's in her 80's, and a lonely jw who lost her husband a few years back.
They don't believe the marriage bond lasts past death, so why not move on and find a companion to live out your life with? Most jws I have seen have no trouble remarrying after losing their mate in death. There have been a few who said they would marry again in the "new system", but that really goes against what they teach.
Almost 80 and getting married? That is wonderful. I hope they bring each other joy. I can't imagine going through those elderly years alone.
for those of you who started studying with the watchtower society as an adult (not born in)......did a friend or family member ever try to dissuade you from joining?
if so, what did you think of that person at the time?.
The witnesses cover that base really well. They tell you that your family may try to stop you from joining them because Satan uses those that are closest to us to lead us astray. They use the scripture that those who love father or mother, children, etc. more than Jesus is not worthy of him. Of course, it is the organization that takes the place of Jesus.
So, when your mom tries to dissuade you or even reason with you on the subject, you have been forewarned. I knew my Mom loved me, but thought she was just ignorant of "the truth". I believed I wold some day help her find it too by remaining strong in the face of temptation.
They do a really good job of brainwashing people they study with from the start. Sad, but true.
as i sit here today wondering where my life shall end up, i'm letting some of my transgressions be made known.
i never been the most outspoken person, more often than not i have been timid and shy.
i have always felt uncomfortable when in large settings of people, especially large congregation gatherings and conventions.
Is there a way to get out on your own? If you can get financially independent, you can then go about your life as you choose. No need to force things or "fornicate" to get out or prove something. You can turn in your letter or just fade away from it all.
Just let life happen. You deserve happiness and fulfillment in life as much as the next guy. Be true to yourself.
do you get tired of rehashing the same things over and over with us "newbies"?
if not, what is your favorite topic to discuss?.
I appreciated the help I received when I decided to join, so I try to remember that. If I am not in the mood to rehash a subject, I just don't post. Never would I think to discourage someone new from asking the same questions.
Blondie is right that each new poster has a slightly different perspective. You can learn something from everyone.